Keep IT Simple
Keeping up with technology that is constantly changing is a full-time job – Ours.
That doesn’t make us geeks, it makes us experts. And that keeps IT simple for you.
Does your technology meet your needs?
Do you have a Work from Anywhere Solution?
Is your network secure?
Is your data backed up?
Do you have 24/7 support?
For the service and support of an in-house IT department, without the overhead, count on the professionals at FileBank IT Services (FITS). Our team of experienced technicians can help you maximize productivity and minimize downtime with IT solutions tailored to your business and your budget.
A major benefit of a FITS Cloud Server is that you will have access to your business programs and files from virtually anywhere, anytime via a reliable Internet connection.
Authorized users can connect to your Cloud Server using many different devices. (E.g. Desktop, laptop, tablet and other mobile devices.)
Computer data backup is one of the most important, yet often overlooked, IT considerations for any business. Protecting your data should be at the top of your company maintenance checklist.
Whether your company has two computers or 200, FITS can assess your network needs, implement cost-effective solutions, and keep your business systems running securely and efficiently.
IT Support
FITS has a team of knowledgeable IT specialists ready to help you with all your computer-related issues. From equipment upgrades and emergency repairs to total system design and network management, our expertise is at your service, 24 hours a day.